Category: General

David Kitz “Shiner”

SHINER is a work from David Kitz’s photographic series entitled, INVISIBLE ENVELOPES. Inspired by Roland Barthes description of photographs as “transparent envelopes” as invisible vessels for their referents, Kitz has set out to investigate the ways in which one could break these envelopes open or shift their boundaries.  In doing so, he constructs still-life arrangements comprised mainly of existing imagery and small three dimensional objects.  Using old magazines, catalogues and other detritus, he layers and builds, bisecting, interrupting, and disrupting original imagery to create shapes, lines, angles, and new borders.  Finally, using his 4×5 film camera, he captures the scene beneath, conflating space, confusing depth, and at times creating an illusion of multiple focal planes.  The resulting images bridge the usually disparate fields in picture making of still-life and photomontage and in effect, produce a larger envelope within which his subjects reside. Buy HEREImageImage

Matt Lifson Studio Visit

Matt Lifson is a really talented guy. We stopped by his studio and took a couple pictures. His work can be seen/purchased at Angles Gallery. Thanks Matt.




Wood Workings

Butch is a woodworker from Oklahoma. He has been doing it for years. We got some of his workings in the shop now ranging from bowls, finger tops, wine stoppers, ceramics bowls, and more. Come see them at the shop. Limited run of everything. 

Chatting with David Kitz

David is a man of many talents. He is a drummer (Princeton), photographer, collage artist, bartender extraordinaire, and now, lamp designer. We asked David some questions while we peaked around his studio.

SG: Most people know of your photography work but maybe not ceramics, so what made you want to start your “L Lamp” project? 

DK: The L-Lamp project has come about gradually.  I designed the first prototypes while I was still at art school at UCLA.  I was taking a ceramics class and had free reign to make whatever I wanted.  After taking so many painting, drawing, and photography classes, I was excited about the prospect of producing something utilitarian. Since graduating i have worked to refine the design and now it’s finally ready to share with the rest of the world.  The whole process has really changed the way I think about my relationship to ideas and thinking through form.  Making a functional object requires a whole different kind of problem solving than making a picture.

SG: How do you find the time to make lamps, photograph, create collages,tour, bartend, etc.?

DK: It’s definitely a juggling act. The bartending is obviously at night, which is great.  It lets me work on the other stuff during the days.  The touring is definitely the most all-encompassing thing on that list, and it puts pretty much everything else on hold.  However, being on the road is great for taking pictures and having lots and lots of time to think about shit.  It also helps me come back home to LA with fresh eyes.
SG: Since you spend fair amount of time in a bar, whether it be for music or work, what’s your drink of choice? 

DK: ….Tequila.

SG: What can expect next from you?

DK: Well, I’ve got a show of Photographs up at the Prohibition gallery in Culver City until the end of the month.  It’s a two person show with my talented friend Clara Balzary.  I’m also working on an album with my buddies Robert Francis and Ben Messelbeck.  Stay tuned.

The L-Lamp is now in our store and online.



Aether apparel and Universal Products for Women

In the shop now and soon to be online.


Tim Braden @ Ambach & Rice

Thanks to Chris for the tip on this one. For those that are in LA, go see THIS show.ImageImage

Mick Bootleg T

Created by Chris Black of Done to Death Projects. Now in store and online. Go HERE to buy. Image

Matt Kivel

Matt Kivel looking the part wearing some Dana Lee and Velour. Well done. 

Daniel McCarthy


Really impressed by this guy’s work. Thanks to AAPC for the tip. 
